About Rain or Sun Walk or Run

Hi! I’m Mindy. Here’s how I became interested in virtual events:

When I was in college, my good friend suggested I start running because she believed I would love it. I did not believe it. How could running be fun? So, I did what any reasonable person would do when a friend makes a great recommendation. Not! I didn’t take her advice.

Fast forward a few years, and another good friend asked me to start walking with her. We woke up early and usually walked about 3 miles. I loved it! I loved having a conversation with my friend and becoming healthier in the process. And, I loved not having to worry about extra equipment or gym memberships. I could just go outside and exercise whenever and however I wanted. Rain or sun, walk or run.

Then my sister and I did a 5K. I did not prepare for the race (hint: training is a good thing), but I still enjoyed the exercise. And, the best part was the medal at the finish line.

Since then, I have participated in multiple virtual events. I love finding unique medals that celebrate different holidays and creating a memory as I exercise. Plus, it is now a family affair. If my 6-year-old nephew finds out I did a race without him, he is not a happy camper. Looking forward to these virtual events helped me to change my lifestyle. I became more active and spent more time outside.

Virtual events have become a passion, and now I want to share that passion with you!